
Changes for a pregnant woman in her first month and things to do

Changes for a pregnant woman in her first month and things to do or prepare for

  • Take a pregnancy after your period is a few days late
  • if the test is positive, make an appointment with a gynecologist or midwife. The first compulsory prenatal examination(3) must take place before the end of the 1st trimester but it is advisable to consult before.
  • continue vitamin B9 supplementation if prescribed during a pre-conception visit


  • 1 month pregnant , in case of bleeding, severe pain in the lower abdomen or on one side, it is important to consult in order to rule out any suspicion of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
  • if this was not done during the pre-conception check-up, it is advisable to carry out an oral check-up in order to avoid any complications during pregnancy.
  • Even if the pregnancy is not known at the beginning, as a precaution it is advisable to avoid risky practices: consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, exposure to X-rays, taking medication. This is all the more important since at the stage of organogenesis , the embryo is very sensitive to teratogenic agents (substances that can cause malformations).

In fact, alcohol consumption during pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, which can disrupt the growth of the 1-month-old embryo . This syndrome leads to malformations, developmental disorders at the neurological level and growth retardation. The baby is more likely to be born prematurely. Tobacco is harmful for everyone and even more so for pregnant women, even 1 month , and the foetus. Before getting pregnant, smoking decreases fertility. During the first month of pregnancy, smoking increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. In addition, smoking must be prohibited throughout these 9 months, but in particular for the 1 month fetus.. It compromises his good in-utero development. The future baby can be born with malformations. In addition, smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of respiratory problems in the baby after birth.

Concerning the taking of medication during this 1st month of pregnancy , it must be done only on medical advice. Pregnant women should not practice self-medication. Natural and safe remedies exit to relieve pregnancy ailments . Many drugs have undesirable effects and consequences on the development of the 1-month-old embryo , because it does not have the capacity to evacuate them. It is very important to take care of its consumption of drugs, especially in the event of pregnancy.

1 month pregnant

See also  childbirth
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