5th week of pregnancy

5 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

It is the beginning of the 2nd month of pregnancy, the fetus is 5 weeks old and its growth is accelerating; it now measures between 5 and 7 mm.

The process of organogenesis that began the previous wek continues:

Where is the mother’s body at 5 weeks pregnant? ?

At 7 weeks of amenorrhea (5 SG) , the hCG hormone level continues to increase, which can accentuate the various pregnancy ailments, or even cause new ones to appear: nausea;

The appetite and even the tastes of the future mother can be modified at the beginning of the 2nd onth of pregnancy, even if no study has validated the existence of the famous “strawberry cravings” of the pregnant woman. Some moms-to-be will crave pickles, while others can’t stand the smell of meat. This can be valid for the 1st trimester or throughout the pregnancy. 

This hormonal climate associated with fatigue can promote hypersensitivity and mood swings. Don’t worry, it’s completely normal in this early pregnancy. It is essential to rest as much as possible with naps during the day throughout the 1st trimester.

Which foods to favor at 4 weeks of pregnancy (6 weeks)?

Food, in addition to taking care of yourself, is really very important for the health of the pregnant woman and even more so for the 5-week embryo. It is necessary to prevent deficiencies, which can affect the development of the baby. A special pregnancy diet can be set up with your doctor. Be careful, here the diet does not mean strict restrictions, salad for lunch and soup in the evening, especially during pregnancy. In the case of a pregnant woman, these are simply good behaviors to follow in terms of food. 

For example, fiber consumption is important. Fibers are found in cereals (oat bran, wheat, etc.), vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, beans, etc.), oilseeds (almond-type seeds, walnuts, plain pistachios) and legumes (peas, beans, etc.) beans, lentils, etc.). Throughout pregnancy, these foods should be consumed for their many benefits, in fiber, but also in vitamins and other nutrients essential to the growth of the fetus. In addition, at the 5th week of pregnancy (7 SA), the organs are forming and developing, hence the importance of eating correctly. 

A one month pregnant woman should start eating a high fiber diet to avoid gestational diabetes and constipation. It also helps to control weight gain. Balanced meals must, of course, always be associated with optimal hydration (at the very least 1.5 L of water).

5 weeks pregnant: how to adapt?

Digestive disorders can appear from the 2nd month of pregnancy. Walking 30 minutes a day is an excellent way to prevent constipation. Walking facilitates digestion and therefore transit. 

What not to forget at 6 SA


It can be tempting to dig into your medicine cabinet to treat pregnancy ailments such as nausea, heartburn or constipation. Be careful though: during pregnancy, some drug molecules are very dangerous for the 5-week embryo, especially during this sensitive period of organogenesis, which begins the 7th week of amenorrhea, ie the 5th week of pregnancy. Certain drugs, known as teratogens, can indeed cause malformations. We therefore avoid in principle any self-medication during pregnancy and we systematically ask advice from our doctor, midwife or pharmacist before taking any medicine, even the most common.

Homeopathy, on the other hand, is safe for the baby and proves to be an interesting resource for combating the various ailments of pregnancy.

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