Essential oilsNATURAL HEALTH

Garlic essential oil

Indications of garlic essential oil

Thanks to the many properties described above, garlic oil has multiple indications.

For health

Viral and bacterial infections (bronchitis, tuberculosis, flu, etc.)

The antibacterial properties of the oil allow them to be used in the treatment of all infections of microbial origin.

Garlic juice diluted 125,000 times has been shown to have inhibiting properties on the development of Staphylococci, 23 Streptococci, Vibrio, Bacillus and activity on certain zoopathogenic fungi and many yeasts.

The cardiovascular benefits

The beneficial effects of garlic essential oil on blood cholesterol and coagulation coupled with its antioxidant status make it interesting for preventing and treating heart rhythm disorders as well as hypertension.

Garlic would act as a vasodilator of arterioles and capillaries which would produce hypotension (effect due to fructans and allyl disulphide). In addition, the oil has a fibrinolytic activity but this action is greater in a healthy subject than in a coronary patient.

Skin parasites and skin problems (warts, corns, calluses)

Thanks to the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, skin problems are among the indications of the oil.

Age-related diseases and cancer

The oil can help fight against free radicals, very reactive molecules that are thought to be involved in the development of certain cancers and other diseases linked to aging.

In addition, S-allylcysteine ​​(stable and odorless compound) would inhibit the process of carcinogenesis.

Worms or intestinal parasites (roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, etc.)

The volatile and exciting principles that garlic spreads in the digestive tract seem to kill all the worms that are there and lead to their expulsion.

Hormonal imbalance (thyroid, etc.)

Garlic would also have an action on internal secretions: at low doses, it causes hyperactivity of the thyroid and at high doses, it would be the cause of hypoactivity of the latter.

Other indications:

  • Worms or intestinal parasites (roundworms, pinworms, taenia, etc.)
  • Appetite (lack)
  • Cholesterol (excess)
  • Liver (intoxication)

Use of garlic essential oil

Garlic essential oil has many benefits. Unfortunately, its richness in allicin, the molecule responsible for the characteristic smell of garlic, prevents it from being among the most recommendable essential oils. If necessary, it is recommended to contact a professional in order to collect personalized and secure information, adapted to your medical situation, your profile and your age.

Cutaneous application, massage

Garlic is not recommended for use on the skin because it can be dermocaustic (which can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes) and the smell is quite unpleasant. Anyway, garlic needs to be diluted: 1 or 2 drops in a little vegetable oil to treat skin problems.

See also  Artichoke, its advantages and disadvantages

Oral route

Taken orally, garlic should only be taken on the advice of a specialist as it can be irritating to the digestive and urinary mucous membranes.

Garlic essential oil can be used in a culinary preparation, respecting the dosages and processes. However, because of its smell, garlic essential oil is very difficult to use. It is much better to put fresh garlic in your diet or to consume garlic directly, rather than using the essential oil.

Garlic essential oil is very powerful: 1 drop is enough to flavor a dish.


To treat all respiratory infections, dilute a few drops of garlic essential oil in a bowl of simmering water placed flat on the table. Remember to remove glasses or contact lenses, then close your eyes, lean over the bowl, a towel over your head so as to breathe in as much steam as possible. Keep your head under the towel for ten minutes. Stop if it is too unpleasant.
Repeat the operation 3 times a day.

There is a possible variant: place a few drops of garlic essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale deeply for 2-3 minutes.


Garlic essential oil is one of the oils incompatible with diffusion due to its strong and tenacious smell.

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