Blood donationDISEASES

What are the conditions to donate blood?

Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding

Pregnant women cannot donate blood due to the risk of anemia . The body produces more red blood cells for the baby’s needs (oxygen, placenta), giving blood would therefore deprive him of what is vital for his good growth.

During childbirth, blood loss is substantial, the body must therefore replenish its reserves.  After childbirth , it is therefore necessary to wait at least 6 months so that the body has been able to compensate for its losses and allow the hemoglobin time to regenerate. Breastfeeding and blood donation are perfectly compatible , after this period of 6 months postpartum.

Not having been recently exposed to a risk of infection

Certain acts of daily life carry a risk of infection such as  scaling, piercing or tattooing, or after surgery , etc.

The health authorities apply the precautionary principle and thus require a period of 24 hours after the treatment of a cavity or a scaling, 4 months after a piercing or a tattoo (which increases the risk of transmission of STIs) and between 1 week and 4 months after surgery (depending on the type of surgery) before you can donate blood

Homosexuality and sexuality

Before 2016, a homosexual could not give blood. Since the decree of April 5, 2016, this is now possible provided you have not had sex for 1 year .

Homosexual or heterosexual, the donor must not have had sexual intercourse with a new partner during the last 4 months , even if he has protected himself.

Trips abroad

Some viruses or parasites can be contracted while traveling abroad . An infected person can transmit the virus without showing any symptoms, this is called the incubation period .

Depending on the incubation period of the various diseases, you have to wait several months before donating blood when returning from a trip abroad. It is thus necessary to wait 4 months after returning from a country where malaria is present (tropical countries) or after a trip to Latin America (Chagas disease). The deadlines are shortened to 1 month after a trip to certain countries in Europe, the Near and Middle East, Asia, North America, Central America or Overseas, depending on the viruses the parasites identified (coronavirus, dengue , chikungunya, etc.)

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