Learn about the properties and nutritional values of garlic

Garlic is one of the major condiments in French cuisine. For good reason, its powerful flavor has no equal to enhance the taste of our favorite dishes. White, red or purple, it is grown all over the world to the delight of food lovers. On the nutrition side, garlic is not to be outdone since it has an atypical profile which has earned it the status of a true health ally. 

Characteristics of garlic

Nutritional and caloric values ​​of garlic

Consumed in small quantities, garlic provides few nutrients. On the other hand, consumed in larger quantities during a day, garlic proves to be a source of some nutrients. For example, a garlic bulb (approximately 40 ml or 24 g of garlic) is a good source of manganese and vitamin B6, as well as a source of phosphorus (see our Phosphorus nutrient ranking sheet), iron , copper, selenium and vitamin C.

What is a “portion” of garlic worth?
weight/volumeRaw garlic, 3 g / 1 clove
Proteins0,2 g
Carbohydrates1,0 g
Lipids0,0 g
Dietary fiber0,1 g

Garlic contains many active compounds, which provide various health benefits. Some of these compounds are attributed several roles. This is the case, among others, for sulfur compounds, which are associated both with the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It should be noted that not all of garlic’s phytochemical molecules are active in the body and that some have yet to be discovered. Note that the active ingredients in fresh garlic work synergistically to produce different health effects. Among these active ingredients, we can cite:

The benefits of garlic

Garlic has been used for several hundred years to treat various health conditions. A very large number of studies have been carried out in order to better understand the active principles of garlic and their physiological effects. In these studies, garlic is used in different forms: fresh, dehydrated, as well as in the form of an extract, oil or tincture. It should be noted that this sheet is devoted solely to the effects of consuming fresh garlic (raw or cooked) as used in various food preparations.

Garlic, a protective ingredient against certain chronic pathologies 

Several prospective and epidemiological studies have shown that a high consumption of vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and other chronic diseases. More specifically, studies have shown that the consumption of vegetables from the allium family (garlic, onion, shallot, chives, spring onion, leek) would have a protective effect against stomach and intestinal cancers. 

Garlic and cancers

Garlic could slow the development of certain cancers, both through its protective action against the damage caused by carcinogenic substances and through its ability to prevent cancer cells from growing. The sulfur compounds contained in garlic could play an important role in this. Thus, garlic, at the rate of a consumption of two cloves per day (i.e. approximately 6 g of garlic), is part of a list of foods containing molecules with anticancer potential to be favored in an optimal diet aimed at prevent cancer.

The results of a meta-analysis of 18 epidemiological studies published between 1966 and 1999 show a 30% reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer and around 50% in the risk of stomach cancer in the event of high consumption of garlic. Among all the studies identified, such consumption was equivalent to approximately 18 g of raw and cooked garlic per week (or about six cloves). Since the amounts ingested varied greatly from one study to another, it is difficult to determine more precisely the minimum amount of garlic to consume in order to benefit from its effects on colorectal and stomach cancers. Also, it is important to remember that a food alone cannot be effective in protecting against cancer.

Other studies have observed an inverse relationship between garlic consumption and the incidence of laryngeal, prostate and breast cancers. However, no general conclusion can be drawn for the moment, given the too small number of studies on the subject. So far, the data are insufficient to establish a link with other types of cancers such as esophageal and lung cancers.

A true ally for cardiovascular health

The American Heart Association (AHA) publishes dietary recommendations to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as high consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as the choice of whole-grain cereal products and low-fat dairy products . Based on numerous research results, the AHA offers a list of specific foods with a certain cardioprotective effect. Garlic is one of these foods (along with nuts, soybeans, legumes and tea) and its consumption is therefore added to the basic recommendations of the AHA with a view to preventing cardiovascular disease.

The majority of studies evaluating the effect of garlic on risk factors for cardiovascular disease (such as blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood glucose) have been carried out with garlic supplements or extracts, in order to isolate the active principles. Overall, this research demonstrates a tendency to slightly lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Few studies have therefore evaluated the real impact of the consumption of fresh garlic (raw or cooked) on these risk factors and they date from a few years ago. In two of these studies, consuming 3 g and 10 g of fresh garlic daily for 16 and 8 weeks, respectively, helped lower total cholesterol. Further studies will be needed to assess the effect of fresh garlic consumption on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. According to the results of studies using garlic extracts, a daily consumption equivalent to 2 g to 5 g of raw garlic or 10 g to 15 g of cooked garlic would be necessary in order to benefit from benefits on certain factors. risk of cardiovascular diseases such as total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) or high triglycerides in the blood.

 Anti-microbial and anti-infective properties?

Garlic is traditionally used for its antimicrobial properties and for the treatment of certain infections. The majority of studies on the subject have been carried out using garlic extracts, at doses that are often difficult to achieve with the usual consumption of fresh garlic. In a study carried out in a population of a region of China, a high consumption of garlic (more than 5 kg per year per person, equivalent to approximately four to five cloves of garlic per day) was weakly associated with a decrease in Helicobacter pylori infections. This observation was challenged by a clinical study in which people ate ten cloves of fresh garlic a day, with no significant effect against H. pylori infection. Some studies suggest that garlic may help prevent the common cold. In effect, In one study, two groups were compared: one consumed a garlic supplement and the other a placebo for 12 weeks during the cold season (November to February). The results show that those who were in the group with a garlic supplement had fewer cold episodes than those who took a placebo. In addition, when they had a cold, individuals who were in the group with a garlic supplement saw their symptoms decrease more quickly than those who had taken a placebo. For now, the data are still insufficient to say that the consumption of fresh garlic would bring an anti-infective effect in the body. The results show that those who were in the group with a garlic supplement had fewer cold episodes than those who took a placebo. In addition, when they had a cold, individuals who were in the group with a garlic supplement saw their symptoms decrease more quickly than those who had taken a placebo. For now, the data are still insufficient to say that the consumption of fresh garlic would bring an anti-infective effect in the body. The results show that those who were in the group with a garlic supplement had fewer cold episodes than those who took a placebo. In addition, when they had a cold, individuals who were in the group with a garlic supplement saw their symptoms decrease more quickly than those who had taken a placebo. For now, the data are still insufficient to say that the consumption of fresh garlic would bring an anti-infective effect in the body.

Interesting antioxidant content

Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells in the body from damage caused by free radicals. The latter are very reactive molecules that would be involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and other diseases related to aging. Garlic contains various antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids and tocopherols, in addition to sulfur compounds which would also contribute to its antioxidant activity. Consumption of fresh garlic (raw or cooked) may increase antioxidant activity in plasma in rats, but daily consumption of 3 g to 6 g of raw garlic for seven to eight days in humans did not confirmed this observation. We do know that at equivalent weight, garlic has a higher antioxidant capacity than a wide selection of vegetables.

Nutritionist’s word

The enzyme found in garlic that allows the formation of allicin and other sulfur compounds is deactivated by heat. Depending on the method and time of cooking the garlic, the sulfur compounds formed will be different and the amount of antioxidants may decrease. The properties of raw garlic would thus be superior to those of cooked garlic. Tip: add the garlic 20 minutes or less before the end of cooking to preserve the quality of its active compounds as much as possible.

How to choose the right garlic?

Garlic is a perennial vegetable plant with a powerful smelling and flavorful bulb. This characteristic taste has earned it the status of one of the major condiments of French cuisine. The head of garlic is made up of several cloves that are very popular in the kitchen. There are several varieties of garlic, the most common being white garlic and purple garlic. 

garlic id card

Soft stem garlic or hard stem garlic?

Garlic commonly sold in America belongs to the subspecies Allium sativum var. sativum, which is botanically characterized by the absence of a flower stalk (hence its name “soft-stemmed garlic”) and numerous small cloves.

From a culinary point of view, the subspecies Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon, which has a flower stalk (hence its name “hard-stalked garlic” or even “stick garlic”) and fewer and relatively larger pods, is clearly superior. It is believed that this subspecies is the older of the two and has retained some of the characteristics of wild garlic, including its flavor and, unfortunately, its short shelf life. Preserved over the centuries thanks to the care of knowledgeable amateurs, stick garlic is now offered through networks of artisan producers as well as by a few specialized shops. In Europe, where it is better known, it is not uncommon for it to be considered a local product. This is the case with pink garlic from Lautrec which, in France,

Rocambole garlic 

This hard-stemmed type is particularly tasty, but not always easy to find.

The false garlic 

What is called in Quebec “elephant garlic” and, in France, “Ail d’Orient” is not garlic, but a kind of leek that is generally prepared in the same way, although it has neither the strong flavor nor the virtues of garlic.

Storing garlic 

Depending on the variety, fresh garlic can be kept for three to nine months. Keep it dry at room temperature, as cold and humidity trigger the germination process.

How to prepare garlic

In order to properly remove the peel from the garlic, it is crushed with the flat of a knife. We then remove the germ that would make the garlic indigestible and which would be largely responsible for bad breath. The garlic is then ready to be cooked and incorporated into various preparations. 

Preparation of the garlic

This is the name given to the garlic sprout that comes out of the ground in the spring and has not yet begun to form its bulb. It is eaten toasted in salt or lightly steamed and drizzled with a vinaigrette, as with leeks. It can also be minced in salads, soups, etc. Look for this product in Asian grocery stores.

Cooking the flower stalk 

In order to promote the production of the bulb, the flower stalk of the garlic, with its flower bud, must be cut shortly after its formation. Finely chopped, it can be used in all sorts of preparations, such as garlic butter. It can be found in jars in delicatessens.

Garlic in shirt

Roasted or grilled in the oven in its skin, garlic acquires a very special flavor that will enhance mayonnaise, vinaigrettes or hot sauces. The whole bulb will first be headed and brushed with oil. Individual pods can also be added to broth or sauce and removed when serving, or stuffed into roast poultry. At the end of cooking, we can recover the garlic and make a sauce.

Savor garlic aioli

The aioli is made like mayonnaise, except that you start with crushed garlic before adding the usual ingredients. It can accompany fish, cold meat or a fondue. If you add a piece of bread crumbs soaked in fish stock and Spanish red peppers, you get a rouille, traditionally served in Provence with bouillabaisse.

Discovering the aïgo-bouïdo

Of the many garlic soup recipes developed around the world, one of the simplest is aïgo-bouïdo, with half-culinary, half-medicinal uses. To prepare it, cook six crushed garlic cloves in a liter of boiling water for about ten minutes. Then remove from the heat, add sage, thyme and bay leaf and leave to infuse for a few minutes. Remove the herbs, beat an egg into an omelette and add it to the soup without stopping beating. Salt and pepper. This broth is served on a slice of bread drizzled with oil.

Use garlic to spice up the simplest dishes

brown whole cloves of garlic in oil, then remove the garlic and coat the pasta with this fragrant oil. Others simply prefer to add crushed garlic to very hot noodles with a little melted butter or olive oil.

Garlic, a bitterness rectifier in the kitchen

Dandelion, chicory, escarole, raddichio, Treviso lose some of their bitterness and are enhanced when served with croutons sautéed in olive oil and rubbed with garlic. Drizzle with a warm vinaigrette to soften the greens, and add bacon bits, if desired.

Homemade garlic butter, a very French delicacy

Serve frog legs, prawns and snails topped with butter that has been kneaded with finely chopped garlic, shallots and parsley. Spend a few minutes in the oven over high heat. Mussels can be cooked in butter, with garlic, fine herbs and white wine, covered, until they open. Reduce the liquid to high heat and pour it over the mussels.

Bet on garlic bread for a simple pleasure 

To do this, cut a slightly stale baguette into slices without completely detaching the slices. Insert between the slices some butter handled with minced garlic and salt. Wrap the baguette in aluminum foil, put in the oven over medium heat and cook for 20 or 30 minutes.

Contraindications and allergies

The very high concentration of active molecules in garlic is a valuable asset, but a double-edged sword. Indeed, garlic contains substances that can interfere with certain medications or damage the gastrointestinal barrier in sensitive people, especially if consumed in large quantities. 

Interactions with certain drugs

Garlic extracts or supplements interact with certain medications that thin the blood or have a blood-thinning effect. Similarly, consuming excessive amounts of fresh garlic while taking certain blood-thinning medications may cause an additive effect, increasing the risk of bleeding. In addition, it is advisable to avoid consuming garlic before surgery to reduce the risk of prolonged bleeding. Finally, in people taking hypoglycemic drugs, the consumption of large quantities of fresh garlic could accentuate the effect of these drugs. In general, the consumption of less than 4 g of garlic (the equivalent of one clove) per day seems prudent in order to avoid any harmful interaction.

Garlic preserved in oil and the risk of botulism 

Garlic can be stored in oil, which extends its shelf life. On the other hand, it is possible that garlic contains a bacterium responsible for botulism. Thus preserved in oil (without oxygen), the conditions are optimal for the development of toxins. Consumption of a spoiled product can lead to serious food poisoning which manifests itself in symptoms such as dizziness, blurred or double vision, difficulty in breathing, swallowing and speaking. The appearance, smell and taste of deteriorated oil will not necessarily change, hence the importance of respecting the following instructions:

Other side effects of excessive garlic consumption

History and anecdotes

A little history

The term “garlic” comes from the Latin allium. It could derive from a Greek word meaning “to spring from”, alluding to the very rapid way in which the bulb divides into several cloves, which literally seem to spring from it. Others think it comes from the Celtic all, which means “spicy”.

Garlic’s center of origin is said to be a wide crescent (the “garlic crescent”) that stretches from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Tian Shan Mountains on the Chinese border. and Kazakhstan to the east. In this vast region, there are about 150 wild species belonging to the genus Allium. On the other hand, the wild ancestor of cultivated garlic (Allium sativum) has not been found.

The oldest writings on its cultivation date from the Sumerians (2,500 BC), but it was consumed long before as a spice or medicine. Known to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, it will spread in southern and eastern Europe. It will not know the same glory in the northern countries and in the British Isles, except sometimes as a medicinal plant in the gardens of monasteries. 

Transported by sailors who always keep some to protect themselves from epidemics and the evil eye, it will reach the Dominican Republic with Christopher Columbus and will then spread throughout South America and Central America. However, it was not until the 19th century that it arrived in North America, under the influence of Mexican cuisine, which is very fond of it. It will find fertile ground in California, particularly in the Gilroy Valley, where it will be cultivated on a large scale and where it will not hesitate to grant itself the status of “international capital of garlic”.

Did you know ? Shakespeare considered that garlic was not made for nobles and Cervantes recommended not eating onions or garlic at the risk that their smell betrays a deplorable peasant origin. “Stinking rose”, “imprint of Satan’s left foot”, the most vehement qualifiers have never failed to describe it.

A bit of botany 

In Quebec, garlic is sown between September 15 and October 15, and harvested in July of the following year. For growing in a border, the ideal spacing is 12 cm by 20 cm. For row cultivation, the plants should be spaced 15 cm apart, and the rows 20 to 25 cm apart. To ensure that the garlic survives the vagaries of winter, it is recommended to cover it with a very thick mulch (dead leaves, straw or old hay). Remove the mulch in April or May to allow the soil to warm and the plants to loosen, then replace it to prevent the emergence of weeds, against which garlic, with its narrow leaves, is defenseless.

To promote bulb growth, the flower stalk of stick garlic varieties will be cut no later than when it has reached 15 cm (around mid-June in southern Quebec). You can let a few flower stalks grow: their unfolding is a spectacle in itself and, moreover, you can harvest the bulbils that will form later at its end to use them as seeds or in food. By the way, it is for the hens, who love it (the bulb and the bulbils), an almost infallible means of reducing the incidence of infectious diseases in the hen house, in particular salmonellosis.

Harvesting takes place from mid-July to mid-August depending on the variety and region, when there are five or six green leaves (out of the original ten) left on the stem. The whole plant, with its leaves and roots, will be hung dry and in the shade for a period of two to four weeks to complete the process of maturation and drying of the bulbs. At harvest time, you must absolutely resist the urge to wash the bulbs, at the risk of hindering the maturation process. Once the bulbs are dry, cut the roots flush and the stems two or three centimeters apart. Set aside the medium-sized pods for seed, making sure they are all very healthy.

Garlic and misconceptions

According to some, brushing your teeth after eating garlic reduces bad breath. In fact, brushing your teeth has no effect on garlic breath, since the characteristic odor comes from the gases released in the breath. mouth when chewing, then in the digestive tract throughout digestion. These gases take at least three hours to be eliminated. The best way to reduce breath a little after eating is to chew parsley, mint or coffee beans. Moreover, according to a garlic lover who was decidedly not lacking in humor, “a five-cent piece may allow you to take the train, but the garlic will guarantee you a seat”.

In the opinion of some good eaters, the only really effective method to avoid annoying those around you with sulphurous breath would be to convince them to eat garlic at the same time as yourself…

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