Fatigue in the morning: causes and remedies

Fatigue on waking is not normal and can be the consequence of several factors. Frequent non-restorative sleep that cannot be explained by a change in lifestyle is a sign that something is wrong. It is therefore important to find out what the causes are and to remedy them.

Sleep needs are very different according to people and ages. An adult sleeps on average 7 to 8 hours per night but some will need 11 to 12 hours of sleep to feel rested. The ideal duration of sleep is therefore specific to each person. It is the sleep time that will allow you to be fit and efficient when you wake up.

When sleep is not restorative and it does not constitute a real rest, one can feel tired when waking up: getting up then becomes difficult. In case of fatigue, the activities of daily life, usually easy to accomplish (work, housework, children’s homework, etc.), turn into chores.

“Sleep is an excellent indicator of a person’s general state of health and of their relationship with their environment,” according to Dr. Valaxt, researcher in a unit at INSERM (National Institute for Health and of medical research in France) specializing in the study of sleep and dreams. It is therefore important to monitor his sleep and pay attention to the changes he undergoes.

Fatigue on waking: causes and remedies: understand everything in 2 minutes

The causes of fatigue on waking can be multiple. This is not a phenomenon to be taken lightly because this fatigue can be linked to a psychological or physical problem.

When the psyche takes over…

This feeling of non-rest can be due to stress, overwork at work, too intense leisure activities or even an unbalanced or insufficient diet. To know where this fatigue comes from, it is necessary to analyze the changes that may have occurred recently in your life. Fatigue on waking is one of the signals sent by the body to make the person who suffers from it understand that their lifestyle does not suit them.

Non-restorative sleep is also a symptom of depression. Constant fatigue, insomnia, loss of motivation are signals that must be monitored. Do not hesitate to discuss this with your doctor.

Fatigue and sickness

A state of fatigue on waking that has lasted for several weeks can be the harbinger of an illness, because many people can manifest themselves with these symptoms. Whether it’s fatigue caused by an exhausting illness like the flu, osteoarthritis, cancer, or a silent condition like anemia or a thyroid disorder, it’s important not to take sleep non-repairer lightly and consult a specialist without delay.

This unexplained fatigue can also be a sign of sleep apnea. The sleeper punctually blocks his breathing which leads to a drop in blood oxygenation and which forces the heart to work harder in order to make up for this lack of oxygen. The sleeper with sleep apnea often wakes up tired and unaware of what has happened.

Change your way of life

It is important to change certain habits in order to sleep better and avoid any risk of fatigue when you wake up.

– Getting enough sleep is the first rule to respect so as not to feel tired when you wake up. To do this, you have to listen to your body (yawns, heavy eyelids, tingling in the neck, etc.).

– Practicing a regular sporting activity allows you to relax, to evacuate the pressure accumulated during the day and to tire your body in order to have a real restful sleep.

– Adopt a balanced diet (fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc.) and drink at least 1.5L of water per day.

– Limit alcohol and cigarettes which have harmful effects on the quality of sleep. Alcohol and nicotine are responsible for very disturbed sleep (frequent awakenings, reduction in the duration of deep sleep, etc.).

– Avoid excessively strong stimulation before bedtime, whether auditory, intellectual or visual (computer screen, excessively bright light, video games, etc.).

Remedy it naturally…

In order to fight against this fatigue, many food supplements and plants can be used. Caffeine, vitamin C or iron cures can be used to counter this constant fatigue thanks to their toning and relaxing properties.

Herbal medicine is also a good way to relieve temporary fatigue. Herbal teas of green anise, red vine or rosemary can be very good remedies against fatigue. As well as rhodiola, schisandra, ginseng and eleutherococcus.

Taking antiasthenics (amino acids, mineral elements, vitamins, stimulants, restoratives, tonics, etc.) can also help you feel more toned and stimulated.

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