10 highly contagious diseases in autumn-winter

Viruses prefer to attack us during the cold season when our immune system is weakened. Fatigue, low temperatures, the body, in permanent struggle, is more exposed to diseases.

A cold

The common cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract (the nose, nasal passages and throat).

Generally benign, however, it is disabling on a daily basis: runny or stuffy nose, swollen eyelids, headaches, overall discomfort preventing sleep, etc. Natural remedies (herbal teas, etc.) are often recommended to stop it more quickly.

 There are more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold.




Nasopharyngitis is an infection of the respiratory tract. It is characterized by a runny nose and sore throat.

It is caused by a virus that can be transmitted from person to person through contaminated droplets (coughing, sneezing, shaking hands or touching contaminated objects).

Over 100 different viruses can cause nasopharyngitis, making it one of the most common cold season illnesses.


Angina corresponds to an infection in the throat, more precisely in the tonsils. It can extend to the entire pharynx. 

The most common symptoms are: severe sore throat, difficulty swallowing, body aches and loss of appetite.

When it is of bacterial origin, complications may appear (phlegmon, otitis, sinusitis, etc.)


The flu, or influenza, is a disease caused by influenzae viruses. It is a very contagious disease, which affects the respiratory system and can present complications especially in immuno-deficient people (children, elderly, chronically ill, etc.)

In the presence of a fever of more than 38.5°C for more than 72 hours, shortness of breath at rest and chest pain, it is essential to consult the doctor.


Gastroenteritis is an infection of the digestive system.

Symptoms (nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea) come on quickly and usually disappear within 1 to 3 days.

Gastroenteritis has multiple causes. These can be different  viruses and bacteria that are transmitted mainly through contaminated hands, water and food, hence the importance of washing your hands well.


Otitis is an infection of the middle ear involving the eardrum or the eardrum.

The symptoms are as follows: acute pain in the ear, blocked ear sensation, hearing loss, dizziness, fever.

Otitis heals in 8 to 10 days, but it is always necessary to check the condition of the eardrum after treatment and to ensure, especially in children, that hearing has returned perfectly.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the inside of the sinuses. The mucus is then no longer drained normally towards the nose, leaving the field open to microbes which multiply.

The symptoms are very disabling on a daily basis: feeling of pressure in the face, headaches, constantly stuffy nose, etc.

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. It becomes chronic when it persists beyond 12 weeks.


Bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the bronchi.

Inflammation makes it harder to breathe because the walls of the bronchi are swollen and produce a large amount of mucus. Bronchitis is accompanied by a deep cough, sputum and shortness of breath.

The most common cause of acute bronchitis is a viral infection. The viruses are inhaled, then spread to the bronchi. 


Pharyngitis refers to inflammation of the pharynx.

There are two types of pharyngitis:
– Infectious pharyngitis due to viruses or bacteria.
– Non-infectious pharyngitis

The symptoms are as follows: sore throat, feeling of dryness, cough, hoarseness, itching or burning.

Smoking is a risk factor for pharyngitis.


Tracheitis refers to an inflammation of the lining of the trachea. 

Tracheitis is often caused by an ENT infection of viral origin such as bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis or nasopharyngitis (cold). 

It is manifested by fits of dry cough, fever, runny nose as well as dysphonia or even aphonia.

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