Learn all about cancer screening

Prevention is undoubtedly the best weapon against cancer. Cancer screening makes it possible, in the event of a tumour, to take charge of the disease early enough to better manage it. Short summary of the screenings to be carried out.

Lung cancer: diagnose earlier

Bronchial or bronchopulmonary cancer is oftten treated at an advancd stage,which results in less room for maneuver for the medical profession With an earlier diagnosis of tumours, it would be possible to reduce the mortality rate linked to this form of cancer. Contrary to popular belief, lung cancer treated early enough can be cured. A persistent cough, bloody sputum, and chest pain with deep breaths are all signs that should be taken seriously. These symptoms should lead immediately to the doctor, especially for smokers over 40.

It should be noted that most lung cancers are due to smoking, including passive smoking. The fight against smoking among the youngest must remain a priority: avoid exposing children to smoke, whether it is your own, that of your family members or your friends. Pregnant women should also be particularly vigilant.

skin cancer

Any suspicious lesions on the skin should be checked with a dermatologist. Skin cancer most often develops around a mole, which becomes larger, changes color or begins to bleed. The appearance of the skin tumor can also take the form of a flat spot on the skin, with a slightly raised surface and which presents heterogeneous hues: black, brown, blue, red or orange. The scars are also to be monitored: if they get bigger and take on other colors, you must consult a doctor.

breast cancer

Breast cancer screening measures are effective and allow a clear reduction of this disease. In fact, 1 in 8 women will face breast cancer during her lifetime. Taken early enough, this tumor can be operated on without any problem. Pay attention to the following symptoms:
– a lump or mass in the breast;
– hard lymph nodes near the armpit;
– a change in the shape of the breast.
If in doubt, it is important to talk to your doctor or gynecologist.

prostate cancer

If men are less broken than women in regular examinations, an annual screening examination for prostate cancer is necessary after age 50. It is also essential at any age when the patient has a family history of prostate cancer. Prostatic pathology is very common, and increases with age. Any abnormality in sensation or swelling of the tissues should be checked immediately by a urologist.

colon cancer

To detect colon cancer, there is an immunological test to do at home. This aims to detect the presence of blood in the stool. These bleedings are often so minimal that they are invisible to the naked eye. The screening test contains a stick, to be filled, shaken vigorously and sent to a medical laboratory for analysis. If in doubt, it is still best to consult your doctor, especially if you are over 50 years old. Colonoscopy is indeed the reference examination for visualizing the interior of the intestine and thus detecting the presence of polyps before they evolve into cancer.

Cervical cancer

From the age of 18, women are subjected every two or three years to a routine examination by the gynecologist: the smear. This banal medical examination consists of taking cells from the cervix to detect possible cancer.

testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is very often manifested by outward signs that patients can identify themselves. In case of abnormal swelling of a testicle, feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, discomfort in the chest or dull pain in the groin, it is better to make an appointment with the urologist quickly. Regular self-examination is recommended for men at any age.
Be careful not to confuse a potential tumor with the sperm duct during palpation. The latter is used to collect and transport sperm and looks like a small tube.

Most often, it is not pain that identifies the presence of cancer cells. It is therefore necessary to regularly undergo cancer screenings, especially if you have a family history.

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