Sore gums: where does gum pain come from?

Gum pain can be a sign of inflammation (gingivitis), infection or a canker sore. It can become disabling, but can also be avoided. By following a serious oral hygiene.


The gums are part of the oral mucosa and help hold the teeth firmly in place. They are part of the periodontium: the supporting tissue of the teeth, with bone and supporting fibers (called periodontium).

When the tooth is clean, the surrounding gum tissue is pinkish in color. But if the tooth is not properly cleaned, plaque builds up on its surface and the gumline can become sore.

While brushing the teeth, they may be sensitive and cause mild pain. But the pain can persist, be more or less strong, and more or less disabling (it may be for example that they prevent a correct diet).

Gum pain can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

The causes

In most cases, gum pain is caused by inflammation of the gums, this is called gingivitis:

Other causes of gum pain include:

Evolution and possible complications

If left untreated, gum pain can become a recurring pain, lead to abscesses, or even cause tooth loss. Gum pain can also prevent good nutrition.

Treatment and prevention: what solutions?

Gum pain can be prevented by taking care of your oral hygiene. It is therefore advisable to:

Also, it is essential to consult a dentist regularly. It is all the more so if the gums change color, start to bleed, shine or swell, or if a taste of metal appears in the mouth.

To relieve gum pain and see it disappear, you have to treat what is causing it. For example:

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