Allergies (overview)

In the event of allergies, certain complementary approaches make it possible to treat them in a more natural way.

Check out the list here.

Allergies: complementary approaches

Consult the Food allergies, Asthma, Eczema and Allergic rhinitis sheets to find out the details of the complementary approaches specific to each of them. Several natural health products and certain therapies can help prevent or relieve their symptoms.

Certain measures could help prevent allergies in general, in children at risk (one or both parents of whom suffer from allergies).

Researchers believe that it is important to intervene before their immune system becomes mature and exposure to allergens (food, pollen, poison ivy, etc.) causes allergies.

We now know that allergens can cross the placenta and reach the fetus.


Probiotics promote healthy maturation of the child’s immune system, to the detriment of allergic reactions. Some believe they may help prevent other allergy problems, but there is no evidence to support this .

A literature review has reviewed the clinical data on the impact of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics (combination of pro- and prebiotics) on the prevention of allergies. The authors point out that it is difficult to draw a definitive conclusion on their effects, due to the heterogeneity of the protocols used.

Nevertheless, when probiotics are taken by the pregnant woman, then by the newborn, they would prevent the onset of allergies in the child. This effect would only be significant during the first 2 years of the child’s life.

More specific studies indicate that probiotics may help prevent atopic eczema in children at risk. In studies, treatment was sometimes given to the mother during pregnancy and continued in the child after birth.

The effectiveness of probiotics may vary depending on the type of probiotics used. Given the variety of probiotics and dosages used in clinical studies, it is impossible at this time to suggest a dosage.


The “anthroposophical” lifestyle could help prevent allergies, according to 2 small studies.

By comparing 2 groups of children aged 5 to 13, researchers found a lower prevalence of allergies in children who lived according to anthroposophical principles: fewer antibiotics, fewer vaccinations and higher vegetable consumption ” lactofermented”.

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Moreover, Anthroposophic families seem less affected by allergies and other atopic diseases than families that do not follow these principles.

Fish oils during pregnancy

The decline in the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is one of the major changes in the diets of Westerners in recent decades.

Once the allergy has set in, the effect of omega-3s on symptoms would be very limited, hence the importance of intervening early, believe the researchers.

Only a few studies have looked at the effect of taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy on the risk of allergies in children. According to a synthesis of studies, the results obtained so far are promising 5 .

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