Symptoms differ depending on back pain type and cause.
To discover the complete list of back pain symptoms, consult this sheet.
Back pain: symptoms
Back pain symptoms differ depending on the back pain type and cause.
The pain can be inflammatory or mechanical, sharp or throbbing, localized or diffuse, constant or fluctuating, etc. The intensity of the pain is not proportional to the severity of the attack.
Some symptoms are considered “red flags” by doctors, that is to say, they are warning signs that could potentially hide a serious condition. They justify the realization of complementary examinations (biology and imagery).
These signs are, among others:
- deterioration in general condition or unexplained weight loss;
- onset of pain after age 55 or before age 20;
- mainly nocturnal pain;
- progressive worsening of pain, lack of relief by rest;
- history of cancer;
- fever or recent infection;
- associated neurological signs (paralysis or sensory disturbances, such as the sensation of anesthesia in an area, in an area of ​​the body);
- associated chest pain;
- radiating pain in one of the thighs (sciatica or cruralgia, herniated disc).