
10 things not to do when you are pregnant


X-rays are contraindicated for pregnant women , as they can cause fetal malformations.

X-rays should only be taken when absolutely necessary.

Always tell specialists about your condition, even if you are not sure if you are pregnant.

Drinking alcohol and smoking

We can never repeat it enough, drinking alcohol and smoking can harm the baby’s proper development.

It is not known precisely how much alcohol leads to fetal alcoholism, so total abstinence is recommended . Especially since what you drink passes into your baby’s blood.

Certain periods of uterine life are critical in the physical and mental development of the baby and perhaps a glass of wine would have caused no harm yesterday but that same glass taken today could have serious consequences.

With regard to tobacco , you should know that it can harm the growth of the fetus, increase the risk of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and premature delivery, cause respiratory problems, etc.

Keep your rings

We don’t often talk about it, but you should avoid keeping your rings on during pregnancy .

Indeed, you may swell or retain water and your rings could get stuck.

So, if you don’t want to have your wedding band sawed off, take it off at the start of your pregnancy!

Clean the cat litter box

No need to get rid of your cat when you’re pregnant, contrary to popular belief.

On the other hand, it is better to have someone else clean the litter box or wear gloves .

Indeed, because of the risk of toxoplasmosis, it is best not to touch it, especially if your cat goes out and hunts (raw meat). If you are immune, still wear gloves to avoid taking any risks.

practice self-medication

Taking medication during pregnancy should always be checked.

It is essential to consult your doctor or a pharmacist before taking any medication, even if it is over the counter. Likewise, always tell all the specialists in your condition before they prescribe anything.

Also consult the instructions contained in the medicine boxes.

In general, meeting health professionals during pregnancy allows you to monitor the health of your baby and yourself and to prepare well for the birth.

See also  Constipation and pregnancy: what solutions?
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