Beauty & careDAILY HEALTH

How to fight against oily skin

Dilated pores, shine, acne, blackheads. Oily skin is a concentration of problems that do not only concern teenagers. What can you do about it? Here are ten tips for treating oily skin.

It’s not always easy to live with oily or oily-prone skin because it’s prone to many imperfections, including shine and the appearance of small pimples on the mid-face area (T-zone), which includes the forehead, nose and chin. Fortunately, with a healthy lifestyle and a specific skin care routine, it is possible to regulate it.

Causes of oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by an excessive secretion of sebum caused by pollution, stress and/or hormonal factors that give rise to numerous imperfections: shine, pimples, dull complexion.

Tips for treating oily skin

To take care of oily skin, you need to purify it with suitable products, but above all not strip it of oil, as this can cause what is known as the “rebound effect”, i.e. an overproduction of sebum.

  1. Clean your skin every day
    The golden rule against oily skin: regulate sebum production, which is responsible for the appearance of blackheads and other blemishes. To do this, cleanse your face thoroughly morning and night. Start by removing makeup to unclog pores and let the skin breathe. Then, wash your face with a non-comedogenic cleanser (a gel for example). Finally, apply a purifying lotion. Once a week, apply a mask, preferably with clay or charcoal, for an immediate radiance boost.
  2. Moisturize your face
    Beware of preconceived ideas! Oily skin is also thirsty. Don’t forget to moisturize every day, morning and night. Choose a non-greasy cream with a mattifying effect. This will allow you to mask the shine that makes you look bad.
  3. Choose the right scrub
    Remember: exfoliating, once a week, is a precious “beautiful skin” ally. Be careful to choose a product that is adapted to your skin type. Faces and necks dotted with pimples are too sensitive for shock therapy. To gently cleanse your skin, opt for an exfoliating lotion instead.
  4. Don’t touch your pimples
    When faced with a pimple, resisting the temptation to pop it is difficult! But if you touch it, you risk making the situation worse. Why would you do that? First, because you inflame the pimple by making it more visible. Secondly, because it will cause scarring. To go out without a complex, apply a camouflage product. Stick concealers are perfect for hiding small imperfections!
  5. Eat a balanced diet
    We’ll never tire of saying it: fried and fatty foods, sodas and alcohol are the worst enemies of a beautiful complexion! Avoid overdoing it. It’s true, there’s no miracle diet for oily skin. But eating a balanced diet can help. Don’t forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Your skin will thank you for it.
  6. Say goodbye to compact foundation
    Hiding imperfections under layers of foundation is not a good trick. On the one hand, it creates an unattractive mask effect. On the other hand, it suffocates the skin and clogs pores. Choose light, fluid foundations. They will even out your complexion without overpowering it. Note: there are specific products for oily skin that have a mattifying effect.
  7. Keep a light hand on your makeup
    What we said about foundation applies to all makeup. Oily skin should not be overloaded. To perfect your complexion, opt for a mineral powder and blush. Cream cosmetics would only accentuate imperfections. For eye makeup, beware of kohl and anything else that might run.
  8. Beware of the sun
    The sun is a godsend against pimples… But in the short term! When you go on vacation, your skin looks great. Once you get home, acne explodes. So think about protecting yourself from the sun. On a daily basis, use cosmetic products (moisturizers, anti-aging creams, foundations…) containing SPF 30 or 50. When you’re at the beach, apply a high-protection cream.
  9. Consult a dermatologist
    Stress, poor eating habits and a bad beauty routine can all lead to problem skin. But pimple outbreaks can be the result of a more complex situation, such as a hormonal imbalance. In case of severe acne, go to the dermatologist. He or she can prescribe a treatment adapted to your skin problems.
  10. Read labels carefully
    When shopping for beauty products, be sure to read the labels carefully to find the right products for your skin. Products containing salicylic acid (anti-inflammatory) or thermal water (soothing) will delight your skin. On the other hand, avoid those containing alcohol, which is aggressive and irritating.
See also  Oily skin: what to do against shiny skin?

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