DISEASESExamination & Operations

Questions to ask before each operation

Surgical intervention is not trivial, far from it. Before going on the operating table, several questions must be asked to your doctor to have the operation in full knowledge of the facts.

What is the purpose of this operation?

Knowing exactly why and what you are having an operation on is the first of the questions. ask &agrav; his doctor.

Is the operation aimed at reduce pain? To avoid an enlargement of the infection or inflammation? Is it essential?

These questions make it possible to better understand and accept the need for; whether or not to have surgery.

How will the operation actually go?

Do not be afraid to ask how the operation will take place concretely . Very often, surgeons and doctors are evasive and laconic. However, it is your body, so you are entitled to know how the surgeon will proceed step by step.

Will he open or proceed by laparoscopy? How will he “repair” the organ? etc If you are sensitive about organic questions, it is better to avoid these questions which could worry you more than anything else…

Is there an alternative?

Surgical operation is not necessarily the only possible treatment depending on the pathology or trauma concerned.

Find out about the possible alternatives  : drug treatment, alternative medicine, etc. Sometimes medicine deploys heavy artillery even before having attempted a less invasive treatment.

In certain affections, it is necessary to face the evidence, the surgery is however the only possible track.

Are there any risks?

It is important to find out about the risks involved in the operation you are about to undergo. If the risks are high and serious , ask yourself the risk/benefit question and remember that the ultimate decision is yours.

If the operation is very unlikely to reduce your pain but has a high mortality rate, it is normal to want to think about it and to want (and be able) to retract.

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What are the consequences if I don’t have surgery?

In other words, what benefits will the operation bring?

This question measures the benefits you will derive from your operation.

If they are less in the event of non-surgical intervention or similar to those observed with another treatment, it is good to know this in order to be able to possibly defer the decision. 

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