How the Mind Can Help Fight Cancer

Cancer affects the patient and most often his relatives. During this phase when your immune system is failing, holding on at all costs can promote your recovery.

Proponents of alternative medicine believe that it is possible to cure cancer through the power of the mind. Only certainty: the miraculous stories of healing, when no one believed in them, exist. The mind could be one of the explanations for these mysterious remissions.

Staying mentally strong is a plus against illness

This is particularly true among athletes who have a mental edge sharpened by competitions. Refusing to let go and mentally fighting illness can help the body heal. Runner Thierry Chalandre, diagnosed with cancer in 2017, testifies to this: not being defeated is a great help. It is therefore recommended to take Yoga or Tai-chi classes if your physical condition allows it.

The mind influences the body

Many spiritualities explain the influence of the mind on the body. A theory also taken up by some neuroscience researchers. The state of our mental health affects our physique. Negative emotions and thoughts thus promote the disease while positive thoughts can prevent it from developing. People happily married, for example, would no longer catch certain viruses according to the Express . Logically, this principle seems valid when it comes to cancer. Positive thoughts help heal it.

Relieving Stress Helps You Heal

Doing your best to stay in a good mental state helps the patient fight cancer because it reduces stress . However, stress is a very strong psychological mechanism that can complicate, or even worsen, a state of health. As hard as it may seem, believing that you can heal will help you a lot.

Keep seeing your loved ones

The love you receive from your loved ones makes you secrete endorphins. These hormones of happiness, even pleasure, help the body and mind to feel better. They therefore have a positive influence on your healing process. Whatever happens, don’t lose hope. You can defeat disease at least in spirit. If it happens that you do not overcome it completely physically, this will at least allow you to make the most of the time you have left.

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