10 tips to better cope with pain

How can you best cope with physical pain?


When we think of better tolerating pain, we of course think of analgesics.

They can be divided into three classes according to their power of action:

  • Level I analgesics, for mild to moderate pain: aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen, etc.
  • Level II analgesics, for moderate or severe pain: codeine, dihydrocodeine, tramadol.
  • Level III analgesics, for severe pain: morphine and opium derivatives.


Diet plays a very important role in pain. It can indeed increase it, or reduce it.

For pain in the joints, we recommend omega 3 which reduces pain and inflammation in the joints.

Foods containing fiber, on the other hand, will help reduce intestinal pain and constipation. 


Acupuncture is an effective technique for relieving many types of pain:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • arthritis;
  • back pain;
  • migraines ;
  • dental pains…

Acupuncture is based on the principle of harmonious circulation of  Qi , or vital energy, in order to prevent and treat health problems. 


In the treatment of pain, relaxation can be of great help.

Thus, sophrology, a relaxation technique that combines breathing, muscle relaxation and visualization, can relieve many disorders and can therefore have its place in the treatment of chronic pain.

In the same way, yoga, meditation and any other relaxation activity are recommended in case of pain. 


The use of hypnosis can decrease the perception of pain by modifying the mental image of pain.

It has proven itself in the treatment of pain and almost all chronic pain conditions can benefit from the hypnosis approach.


Massages are effective for people suffering from an accidental injury, osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Massage also helps reduce anxiety, a contributing factor to pain.

Physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors prove to be very effective. 

The hot

Heat is very effective against joint pain related to osteoarthritis, sore muscles, lower back pain and neck pain.

It causes dilation of the blood vessels, which will promote blood circulation, bring oxygen and participate in the relaxation of the muscles. This will help relieve the pain. 


Cryotherapy (cold therapy) is an effective method to combat muscle and joint pain.

It consists of applying liquid nitrogen at a very low temperature. Cryotherapy is used in the treatment of acute trauma, joint and inflammatory diseases as well as in the treatment of certain skin cancers.

Less extreme, immersing the burned or injured hand in cold (but not ice cold) water may relieve pain. As well as a bag of ice cubes, gels or cooling compresses. 

Psychological support

Here, it is mainly pain-related depression that can be treated.

Indeed, the feeling of helplessness and negative thoughts make it even more difficult to bear the pain and end up increasing its intensity.

The psychologist can then help to better deal with the pain and to mourn old physical abilities. 

plants for pain

Certain herbs may have beneficial effects on pain.

Thereby :

  • Cannabis acts on many physical pains;
  • Feverfew helps reduce migraines;
  • The infusions of St. John’s wort and the essential oil of noble laurel can fight against a toothache;
  • Devil’s claw and blackcurrant leaves relieve joint pain;
  • Rosemary camphor essential oil, niaouli or wintergreen essence relieve muscle pain…
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