4 tips to learn how to channel your anger

1. Analyze your anger

To understand how and why you get angry , he first makes you observe yourself. Go back in time: what happened before you exploded? By carrying out this exercise, you will understand the mechanism of the accumulation of separate (or linked) events, which have led to your getting upset, and making you lose all control. Anger is indeed often only the consequence of other events, which your mind and your body will translate into emotions. 

2. Detect the warning signs

Thanks to this analysis work, you will be able to detect the signals sent to you by your brain, in order to act before it is too late. Fatigue, sighs, shaking hands, difficulty concentrating, ruminations, desire to do nothing or on the contrary to drop everything. Here are the signals! 

3. Act before it’s too late

You have become aware of what puts you in a state conducive to triggering your anger. It is very good ! You have done a lot of the work . The second is not to suffer, but to act. Before anger overwhelms you. For this, there are several strategies.

– If you feel angry, so close to getting angry, but you haven’t exploded yet: e-va-cu-ez! Some therapists explain that it is normal to feel like strangling someone, but since it is forbidden, you have to use subterfuge. One recommends strangling…a cushion! Others, more simply, to type in a punching bag, or in the cushions of a sofa. You will see, it does a lot of good! 

– Another, more pragmatic solution: play sports . Yes, any sport, which mobilizes energy, but also releases endorphins in the body, helps to stem your anger. 

– Otherwise, there is another technique, also recommended by many therapists: writing. Yes, write about what is causing your anger. Expel on a sheet of paper, a newspaper, in a note on your smartphone, in an email that you will only send to yourself, what is on your heart. 

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