Beauty & careDAILY HEALTH

How to have beautiful skin?

In the morning, when your eyes are still swollen or if you have kept track of the pillow: play the cold card. Wash your face with cold water or with a thermal spray. Cold water in the morning has the advantage of not attacking the skin as hot water tends to do.
If your eyelids are swollen, slip an ice cube into a tissue and gently glide it over each eyelid for a few minutes. Then protect your skin with a day cream suited to your skin type, which may contain a sunscreen if the weather is nice.

In the evening, your skin has accumulated impurities, dust, sebum, etc… This is also the time to remove make-up. Use cleansers or make-up removers and a night cream suited to your skin type.

Don’t attack your skin

The skin acts as a barrier provided by a thin stratum corneum and a hydro-lipid film on its surface. You must avoid breaking this skin barrier: do not wash your face too much (no more than twice a day) and always with products adapted to your skin type. Avoid hot water, dab your skin rather than rubbing it with your towel, and finally, don’t do exfoliation-type treatments more than once a week.

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