Learn about the properties and nutritional values of garlic

How to prepare garlic

In order to properly remove the peel from the garlic, it is crushed with the flat of a knife. We then remove the germ that would make the garlic indigestible and which would be largely responsible for bad breath. The garlic is then ready to be cooked and incorporated into various preparations. 

Preparation of the garlic

This is the name given to the garlic sprout that comes out of the ground in the spring and has not yet begun to form its bulb. It is eaten toasted in salt or lightly steamed and drizzled with a vinaigrette, as with leeks. It can also be minced in salads, soups, etc. Look for this product in Asian grocery stores.

Cooking the flower stalk 

In order to promote the production of the bulb, the flower stalk of the garlic, with its flower bud, must be cut shortly after its formation. Finely chopped, it can be used in all sorts of preparations, such as garlic butter. It can be found in jars in delicatessens.

Garlic in shirt

Roasted or grilled in the oven in its skin, garlic acquires a very special flavor that will enhance mayonnaise, vinaigrettes or hot sauces. The whole bulb will first be headed and brushed with oil. Individual pods can also be added to broth or sauce and removed when serving, or stuffed into roast poultry. At the end of cooking, we can recover the garlic and make a sauce.

Savor garlic aioli

The aioli is made like mayonnaise, except that you start with crushed garlic before adding the usual ingredients. It can accompany fish, cold meat or a fondue. If you add a piece of bread crumbs soaked in fish stock and Spanish red peppers, you get a rouille, traditionally served in Provence with bouillabaisse.

Discovering the aïgo-bouïdo

Of the many garlic soup recipes developed around the world, one of the simplest is aïgo-bouïdo, with half-culinary, half-medicinal uses. To prepare it, cook six crushed garlic cloves in a liter of boiling water for about ten minutes. Then remove from the heat, add sage, thyme and bay leaf and leave to infuse for a few minutes. Remove the herbs, beat an egg into an omelette and add it to the soup without stopping beating. Salt and pepper. This broth is served on a slice of bread drizzled with oil.

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Use garlic to spice up the simplest dishes

brown whole cloves of garlic in oil, then remove the garlic and coat the pasta with this fragrant oil. Others simply prefer to add crushed garlic to very hot noodles with a little melted butter or olive oil.

Garlic, a bitterness rectifier in the kitchen

Dandelion, chicory, escarole, raddichio, Treviso lose some of their bitterness and are enhanced when served with croutons sautéed in olive oil and rubbed with garlic. Drizzle with a warm vinaigrette to soften the greens, and add bacon bits, if desired.

Homemade garlic butter, a very French delicacy

Serve frog legs, prawns and snails topped with butter that has been kneaded with finely chopped garlic, shallots and parsley. Spend a few minutes in the oven over high heat. Mussels can be cooked in butter, with garlic, fine herbs and white wine, covered, until they open. Reduce the liquid to high heat and pour it over the mussels.

Bet on garlic bread for a simple pleasure 

To do this, cut a slightly stale baguette into slices without completely detaching the slices. Insert between the slices some butter handled with minced garlic and salt. Wrap the baguette in aluminum foil, put in the oven over medium heat and cook for 20 or 30 minutes.

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