Essential oilsNATURAL HEALTH

Garlic essential oil

Properties of garlic essential oil

The antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties of garlic essential oil are undeniable. They come from sulfur compounds, steroidal saponins and ajoenes. Other beneficial actions are nevertheless added in many areas, and in particular on the cardiovascular level.

For health

A powerful anti-infective (bacteria, virus, intestinal worms, fungus)

Garlic essential oil is one of the most powerful natural anti-infectives known because of its diallyl sulfide composition (about 40%). It also contains diallyl trisulfide (30%) and diallyl tetrasulfide (4%), two sulfur compounds that contribute to antimicrobial activity.

Like other essential oils, the hydrophobic character of the oil makes it possible to attack the phospholipid membrane of the bacterial cell and to increase its permeability: the contents of the cells are released leading to the death of the bacteria.

A fearsome antioxidant

The antioxidant activity of garlic essential oil is attributed in part to its sulfur compounds and the synergy of minor compounds.

An anti-carcinogen

Diallyl sulphide and ajoene could prevent certain cancer cells from multiplying and thus protect the body against potential carcinogens.

A purifier

Garlic essential oil whose diallyl sulfide has been converted to allyl bromide has been shown to have carminative effects.

An anticholesterolemic (= beneficial for cholesterol)

Ajoene would be a compound capable of preventing the synthesis (formation) of cholesterol in vitro and could play a role in the hypocholesterolemic effect attributed to garlic. Saponins, present in garlic, would also have the ability to reduce blood cholesterol in animals and blood coagulation in vitro.

Other properties:

  • Intestinal antiparasitic (very effective vermifuge)
  • Anti-hypertensif
  • Glandular rebalancing
  • digestive tonic

For the well-being

Garlic essential oil, because of its specific and tenacious smell, cannot be used in a psycho-emotional context. Other essential oils, with a more pleasant smell, will be more appropriate.

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