NUTRITIONWeight loss

Tips for losing weight: grandma’s remedies

Grandma’s remedies to lose weight quickly are little tricks to use on a daily basis, generally easy to implement and inexpensive. Slimming foods, detox drinks, anti-cellulite oil: what are the best grandmotherly remedies to facilitate weight loss? Explanations.

Drink cider vinegar to lose weight

There are foods that can easily eliminate toxins and get rid of fat. This is particularly true of cider vinegar. It is an excellent grandmother’s remedy to lose weight thanks to its various active ingredients that act on the body:

  • Apple cider vinegar increases fat burning;
  • It decreases the storage of sugar in adipose tissue;
  • It stimulates the digestive system and facilitates digestion;
  • It regulates cholesterol levels in the blood.

How to use cider vinegar?

To avoid consuming it pure, mix it with a homemade squeezed fruit juice (orange, grapefruit, etc.) without adding sugar, in order to reduce the acid taste of the vinegar without increasing the calories.

You can also drink it with tea or an infusion at the end of your meal. Two teaspoons of vinegar will suffice for a tall 200ml glass or a cup of tea.

You can also concoct fruit cocktails to consume throughout the day, and add a teaspoon of vinegar.

Natural appetite suppressant foods

Some foods have a very effective appetite suppressant function to limit overeating and regulate appetite:

  • The apple ;
  • Pineapple;
  • The work ;
  • Apple cider vinegar.

These natural appetite suppressants not only promote the elimination of fat and limit the storage of sugar, but they also reduce cravings for snacking between meals.

To avoid cravings, consume one of these appetite suppressant fruits or vinegar at the end of the meal: it will provide you with a dose of natural sugars and avoid turning to a higher-calorie sweet food such as a square of chocolate, yogurt or a cake.

Water, another effective appetite suppressant

Drinking a large glass of water before and at the end of the meal helps fill your stomach and therefore tends to eat less. You can also drink a large cup of tea or an infusion if you feel like snacking during the afternoon, it will bring you a feeling of satiety without ingested calories!

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