Top 10 superfoods for good health


The patisson is an ancient vegetable of the great family of cucurbitaceae which makes its great return on the market stalls. In addition to its anti-cancer action, patisson is rich in alkalizing minerals. It therefore helps to fight against chronic fatigue, muscular pains and inflammations which can be linked to an imbalance of the blood pH.


Parsley is a real detox ally. This herb, the most used in cooking, is rich in diuretic virtues and cleans your kidneys by eliminating toxins. No need to start a detox cure if you sprinkle your dishes with parsley!


The secret of peppers is vitamin C. A small portion of bell bell pepper is enough to cover all your daily needs. And that’s not all. Peppers are also an anti-cancer ally, as well as fighting against all neurodegenerative diseases related to aging.


In the chapter of anti-cancer foods, grapes hold a very good place. It has also been proven by some scientific studies that it can improve cognitive functions. It could thus fight against the consequences of aging. However, be careful, grapes are a very sweet fruit, they should be consumed in moderation, and preferably organic, because, like strawberries, they absorb many pesticides.


Consumed in all its forms, sardines are full of nutrients that are excellent for your health. Rich in omega 3, sardines contribute to the proper functioning of your brain cells. It is also said to have a beneficial effect on emotional balance!


The tomato is one of the favorite fruits of the French, and they would be wrong to deprive themselves of it since the tomato is a real weapon against cardiovascular diseases. It can also be consumed to prevent cancer and is excellent against diabetes.

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