5 good reasons to run

3. It’s a sport that protects your body

Contrary to popular belief, running does not hurt, at least no more than any other sport, if you practice it correctly.

Here are a few tips :

  • be patient and let the progression come without launching into a marathon in the first year;
  • respect recovery times;
  • listen to your body and your pain;
  • keep yourself hydrated, and there’s no reason you’ll be hurt more than going swimming.

Going to the pool with poor control of the front crawl or exhausting yourself by swimming when you don’t like it will cause more injury than a reasoned and reasonable run.

Running: good for bones and joints

Indeed, when we run, our body’s response is to strengthen the bones and joints to protect them from the impacts of each stride. Your muscles strengthen, your bones become denser and in the long term, you risk less fracture, less fall, better longevity.

Finally, you protect your arteries and your heart like all cardio sports, you lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels naturally, without medication. By being anti-stress, you limit the appearance of burnout and depression but you also limit the appearance of cellular oxidative stress and therefore the risk of certain cancers.

4. It’s a sport with rapid progression

Provided you are regular, you will quickly see the progress happen. Start slowly so as not to get sick of yourself, going out for 15 minutes at a slow pace at the start. Gradually you will be less out of breath and able to run faster and faster, and also for longer.

Many online sites offer training programs for beginners, do not hesitate to follow one of them. The more you run, the more you will want to run, the better your posture, the more muscular you will be and the more effective and beneficial the following workout will be. It is a virtuous circle in which one can only feel good.

5. It’s a sport to practice everywhere, all the time

Between noon and two, on vacation or even indoors on a mat. Running is practiced in all weathers provided you are well protected from the sun in the middle of summer and are equipped for the rain.

At work or on vacation

All you need to do is bring your pair of basketball shoes and shorts with you to integrate your session into the week’s schedule.

Do you have a whole morning ahead of you?

Plan your outing long, to discover new paths.

You only have 30 minutes in front of you?

It also works, go out for a run around the house to clear your mind and not lose the rhythm.

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